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GitHub page from any repository

Once upon a time, we all thought that a static page could only be hosted on GitHub at:

I don’t know why, but I didn’t believe it. I patiently clicked and searched for another way. It turned out that you can host a page in any repository, after the character like:


For example

Find out how to do it in a few simple steps ;-)

  1. Go to the repository you’d like to use for your static page
  2. Click on settings
  3. Go all the way down to GitHub pages
  4. Change the settings: from none to master or main (depending on what you have) or to whatever branch you want to put the page in
  5. SAVE
  6. Go back to the main repository page
  7. There will be Environments section on the right side - GitHub pages will be marked as active
  8. Click it - it will take you to the deployments/acitvity log page
  9. Click on view deployment
  10. You’ve done it!

Warning: If you see 404 error, just add to your repository. Should work!